5 Ways Pests Enter Your House
Here in Florida there is no shortage of pests trying to get into your home. As the weather starts to cool off, rodents and insects become more active. If your home isn’t protected or has received damage from weather, it could play host to any number of common Florida pests. Pests can enter your home from many different entry points. Once inside, pests can cause damage to wooden structures, contaminate your food, and cause you health issues. Here we will discuss the common entry points and what you can do to prevent pests from entering your Florida home.
Common Florida pests include:
- Spiders
- Bed bugs
- Termites
- Roaches
- Ants
- Mice
- Wasps
Doors & Windows
Doors and windows are one of the most common ways pests can enter your home. Small pests such as flies and mosquitoes can fit through the tiniest rip or tear in window screens. Your doors are also easy access points. Doors are not air-tight, which means pests like ants and spiders can easily crawl underneath them if they had the opportunity.
To make sure that common pests don’t use your doors and windows as entry points you should do a thorough inspection of your home. Check your windows and make sure the weather strips and caulk are in good shape. Make sure there are no rips or tears in your screens where pests can slip through. Consider installing a door sweep on your front door to discourage pests from crawling under it.
Utility Entry Points
Pests can enter through the tiniest of cracks in your home. Another common point of entry is through areas where utilities enter the home such as:
- Plumbing
- Gas pipes
- Electrical wires
- Cable tv wires
- Dryer vents
- Exhaust fans
Check for any places where pipes or wires enter your home. Use caulk to seal up the gaps around pipes and cables. Dryer vents and exhaust fans should be equipped with screens to keep pests and rodents out.
Things You Carry In The House
Pests such as bedbugs, ticks, and spiders can also enter your home by hitching a ride on objects you bring into your home. Once inside your home, they will disperse and, in the case of bedbugs, can multiply at a rapid rate and require the skills of an exterminator to remove completely. Inspect everything you bring into your home, especially:
- Used furniture
- Second-hand clothes
- Suitcases
- Groceries
- Firewood
- Plants
Firewood, plants, and other organic material brought in from the outside have the potential to contain many different pests such as ants, termites, beetles, and millipedes. Do not bring firewood into your home unless you plan on burning it immediately.
Exterior Walls & Foundation
It is critical to check your exterior walls and foundation for cracks and damage. Just the smallest crack can be a gateway for ants and termites to enter. Larger cracks can be used by mice, rodents, and can even be used by yellowjackets and wasps to build nests. Patch exterior damage with caulk or patch with concrete as needed.
The Roof
Your roof is an often overlooked area of your home that can be an easy access point for insects and rodents. Make sure your gutters are free of debris and can move water away from your home. A clogged gutter is not only a risk to the structure of your home; it can also be an attractive place for mosquitoes, mice, and other pests. Check your chimney and attic vents to make sure the screens are in good shape and nothing can get through them.
Call The Professional Pest Control Experts
For 50 years Capelouto Termite & Pest Control has been serving the people of northern Florida with professional pest control services. If you are experiencing a pest infestation, we can help. We have a long list of pest control options that range from ants to rodents. If you are having trouble dealing with pests in or around your home call us today or leave a message on our site.
5 Ways Pests Enter Your House Termite and Pest Control in Tallahassee FL
Serving Your Pest Needs for over 50 years in Tallahassee FL